
Re: Attack mot Moskva Pride

Nu finns det mer kött på de avsparkade benen.

DN och SvD: Rysk polis ingrep mot gayprotest
QX.se: Flera Pride-deltagare arresterade idag

Samt Words of Alekseev from the Police station - pls forward to medias från Euroqueer-listan:

"We ask the western democraties to put a maximum pressure on the Russian Authorities to release us immediately"

"The protocol written by the police is completely falsified and all the Western MEPs and MPS who were with us could confirm it"

"We are accused of having blocked the streets and insulted the police which is a complete lie. We were on the pavement and we never insulted the police. This has never been our methods"

"All this is nothing else that the good old method of KGB. We can see that agents of FSB are at the police station (ex KGB). The same people who were this morning at the hotel trying to prevent us to leave."

"We praise the German Chancellor Merkel who is currently heading the European Union Presidency to raise the question to President Putin"

"We also praise the other leaders of the G8 and the EU to speak publicly on this issue"

"We are very thankfull to Volker Beck, Sophie In't Veld, Vladimir Luxuria and Marco Cappato who came for us in Moscow and of course all the other"

"They can show to the world that Gay and Lesbian rights do not exist in Russia. They can show to the world that freedom of expression not only about politics"

"Please remember the words of Sophie In't Veld at yesterday press conference. There is no such thing as human rights light in which you can just avoid LGBT issues"

"There is no place in Europe for people who do not respect the rights of their citizen. Euroepan demcraties should ban Mayor Luzhkov and his people to enter their countries as they did to officials in Belarus"

"We ask for your help and support. Probably now, more than ever"

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2 kommentarer:

Helena sa...

Jag har några sköna vänner som åker till Pridefetivalen i Riga för att visa sitt stöd. Önskar jag hade tid att åka med.

Detta säger mer om det "demokratiska" Ryssland än många andra poltitiska frågor som det läggs betydligt mer krut på. Angela Merkel har ju opponerat sig mot arresteringen av Kasparov också, vilket jag tycker är coolt och modigt när alla andra förbundskanslar har använt fjäsk och tvetydiga slickerier för att få till stånd en romantiserad relation med Ryssland.

Allt jag ville säga egentligen var; Lycka till i Umeå!

Leo sa...

Ja, vi borde bli radikala queerdemonstranter som reser runt i olika öststater och småland.